Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Promotion # 2

OK, you could argue that the last "promotion" wasn't really a step up, rather a turn in the rotation. The email from my boss was titled "Promotion" though, so I thought it was a bigger deal than it turned out. This time though! A real promotion with anticipated raise included.

I am now a 'State Court Attorney' dealing with DUI, family violence, and.... let's be honest, that's all that actually matters. There will be the occasional criminal trespass and driving offense, but the bulk of time is spent on those two types of cases.

So I've been in this position for exactly one day, and I have a DUI motion today, plea calendar on Friday, Trial Calendar on Monday. Woo-Hoo! Jump right into the fire Jay.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Did they move to St. John?

No, we haven't moved to the islands. My last post was over three months ago, but this blog is not dead!

For some reason I became rather uninspired to write anything at all over the last quarter. But now that we're in a new year I figure I should make a go at it again. I've been meaning to catch up on things here, so here's a brief recap of the last few months:

St. John

All caught up?

More details much sooner than last time!!!