Ninja Hags Roam
This is an anagram of my name. I didn't come up with it on my own, but I like the sound of it. I figure it must be a Japanese folk story. The tale of the Ninja Hags, and how they roam the country side in search of a lost master. Sort of like the story of the 47 Ronin?
One of my friends has "Warpath Tempt" as his name. Clearly, this is a Tom Clancy novel just waiting to be written. Check your own name out here, and paste your favorite in the comments section. Does your name tell a story?
PS Yes, if you put in my name you can also come up with "Ninja Orgasm, Ah." Now that's pretty funny, no story needed!
Perhaps I should consider a career as a D.A., opposite the table from "Ninja Hags Roam". After all my anagram is "Shit on a live con".
Drew Levine - the most coherent random grams were DELIVER NEW, VEILED WREN, DRIVEL WEEN, LEND REVIEW, NERD WEEVIL, RED EVIL NEW, WILD VENEER, but my favorite was DEVIL RENEW. What does that mean? Am I a chile of Satan? I think my parents are going to be upset when they find that out, thanks a lot Jason!
Andrew Levine - Deal (deal) never win, draw eleven in, veal dinner we
Holly Berman:
RAM BY HELL ON (if you know what I mean)
MALL BORN HEY (so true, so true.)
MA BELL HORNY (isn't this a Beastie Boy's song?)
HARMONY BELL (aahhh...)
Mine stink. This is the best one and it's horrible...
A Lethal Hand Drill
Anal Ram Tours (Proctologist tour guide?)
Sultan Am Roar (Maybe I should be a morning show DJ?)
Oral Mart Anus (What can I say here?)
Anal Mars Tour (Maybe this is a new approach for NASA?)
Ulna Smart Oar (I like this one only because it includes the word smart)
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