Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Incident of the BONG

One funny little Thanksgiving anecdote I forgot: The BONG.

I went walking the dog with the mom and dad inlaws on Saturday morning. They live out in the country in Northern Virginia (which is like Virginia, but more Northern, you know? But for gosh sake, don't compare it to West Virginia, or all of Virginia will have a hissy fit). They also live on a dirt road near a lot of farm land. Very nice area, lovely little country church at the end of the road with a revolutionary war era cemetary.

Anyway, mom-in-law likes to take a plastic bag on the dog walks and pick up trash along their dirt road. There are usually the odd beer can and cracker wrapper tossed carelessly from the back of pick-ups as they speed down the winding gravel. Sometimes she finds some gems though. That particular Saturday she came up from the undergrowth with a green glass bong. As she was emerging from the tangled brush she exclaimed, "Oh look, a crack pipe!" That made me giggle and say, "not crack, exactly." Dad-in-law had a chuckle too for he may have seen a bong once in his life too. (I've only read about them in books of course. There was also that episode of The Facts of Life where Tutti hears about bongs from the college kids and brings some home for all the girls... Mrs. Garrett was pretty mad about that and they all learned a life lesson.) Anyway, I convinced mom-in-law to pretend she thought it was a vase and to give it to Julie as a present. I thought that would be spectacularly funny.

The thing about mom-in-law is that she is the classic "girl from Kansas." She's Mrs. Midwest Wife (though she is also a CFO of a government contracting company). So, she's all about the 'hints from Heloise" and the "How to keep your dried flowers looking fresh all year round" books. This made the bong incident so funny in my mind. Imagine the girl from Kansas with a bong in her hand... "look at this odd vase honey, what a clever little bud vase they have built into the side!" Maybe you have to know her to thing this would be funny, or maybe you have to have an off sense of humor like me.

So, she carried the "vase" home and put some plastic flowers in it. She even put a small sprig of flowers coming out the hole in the side. That was pretty funny. Julie's sister just thought it was an odd vase. Julie recognized it, but sadly she didn't seem to be as amused as I was. Overall, the whole thing was very funny in my mind, but of course, funny is in the eye of the beholder.


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