Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Old People are Funny (Scary)

I was at a party recently with several older folks, many of whom had crazy conspiracy theories about the current government. I heard several direct quotes from a nationwide firearm magazine about President Obama trying to "repeal the 2nd amendment." One woman was complaning that her husband had registered their guns because "now the government knows we have them, and they'll come for us when they make it illegal to own all guns!" I also found out that another woman was really against President Obama because he is a secret Muslim and he's going to create domestic terrorism here in the US. Seriously. She believes that. I kinda forgot that there are people like that who look and seem normal, but are completely insane and probably dangerous.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure you know some old people who are funny liberal...

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny liberal people are generaly no dangerous scary.......

1:20 PM  

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